Sony Vaio SVF15215CXB Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 8 64-bit

Sony Vaio SVF15215CXB Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 8 64-bit
上传日期: 22 Dec 15
开发: Broadcom
许可: 免费
人气: 57

Rating: 3.3/5 (Total Votes: 3)


- This driver also resolves the yellow exclamation point error that may appear in Device Manager next to "BCM43142A0" which indicates that a driver is not installed for that device.

Important Notes

- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights.
- To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
- It is highly recommended that you print out these instructions for use as a reference during the installation process.

Download and Installation Instructions

- To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
- Download the BRDBLT-00288242-0082.EXE file to a temporary or download directory (please note this directory for reference).
- Go to the directory where the file was downloaded and double-click the BRDBLT-00288242-0082.EXE file to begin the installation.
- At the "User Account Control" screen, click "Yes".
- If the "Select Language" screen appears, select the language you wish to use, and then click "OK".
- At the "Select Country" screen, select the country for this installation, and then click "Next".
- At the "BCM43142 Bluetooth Adapter Ver." screen, click "Next".
- At the "License Agreement" dialog, read the agreement, then, if you agree, click "I Agree" to continue with the installation.
- At the "Finish" screen, click "Finish".
- At the "This system must be restarted to complete the installation" screen, click "OK" to restart the computer.
- After the computer restarts, the installation of the BCM43142 Bluetooth Adapter is complete.

About Bluetooth Drivers:

Installing the system’s Bluetooth driver will allow it to connect with various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, headsets, gaming controllers, and more. However, this wireless technology is recommended to be used for transferring data between compatible devices within short ranges.

A newer version can include support for later technology standards or add compatibility with other Bluetooth chipsets; however, bear in mind that updating the driver might not improve your system at all.

When it comes to applying the driver, the method is obvious and the steps quite easy: simply extract the compressed package (if necessary), run the setup, and follow the given instructions for a complete installation.

That being said, if you intend to apply this release, make sure the package is compatible with your system’s OS and Bluetooth chip, hit the download button, and enable this technology on your device. Moreover, don’t forget to regularly check with our website so that you don’t miss any updates.



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意见 Sony Vaio SVF15215CXB Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 8 64-bit
