微软XNA游戏工作室3.0使业余爱好者,学者和独立游戏开发商通过使用基于.NET框架的优化,跨平台的游戏库,轻松创建视频游戏为Windows和微软的Zune数字媒体播放器。 此版本中的新功能更是不胜枚举来港上市。然而关键的项目包括:支持Visual Studio...
Jet 3.51 Service Pack 3 21 Sep 15
Platform Software Development Kit Redistributable: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems, 1.1.3790.0 21 Sep 15
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 7 May 15
Visual FoxPro 6.0 Setup Wizard 21 Sep 15
Microsoft Visual J# .NET Version 1.1 Redistributable Package 21 Sep 15
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 3 May 20
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 28 May 15
必须有 开发者工具 为 Microsoft
Merge Modules for Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 and Visual C++ 6.0 21 Sep 15
Security Update for PowerPoint 2002 (KB905758) 21 Sep 15
2007 Microsoft Office System Update: Redistributable Primary Interop Assemblies 21 Sep 15
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile 26 May 15
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (64-bit) 24 Sep 15
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) 21 Sep 15
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 3 May 20